Herbie, the dog who gained echo on Facebook and in media, and whom thousands of people followed and prayed for, has died yesterday. The dog and the man who found him and was trying to make his last days as full of love as possible, united people from many continents. The story is heartbreaking and wonderfully uplifting at the same time. The dog was abused so much and his head hardly looked like a dog's head at all. He went all blind and deaf, was severely emaciated, had a skull fracture, eye cataracts and cancer. Throughout all this, he managed to fight for his life incredibly and was enjoying the life as much as he could. The man who found him, a patrolman Doc Rick Broz, has given so much love and attention to Herbie, who was cared for at the vet's clinic during the week and going to Rick Broz's home over the weekend. The energy and the love that the people caring for Herbie gave to him are amazing acts of kindness, love and compassion. May they never be forgotten and may they create more of the good in this world that so much needs it.
Here is what I posted in the
Justice for Herbie Facebook group and sent to Doc Rick Broz:
All my love... All my love, all my love, all my love that I can give to
Herbie and the wonderful Doc Rick who gave so much to him, and to all
the doctors and friends who changed this life incredibly for Herbie.
This is a story to stay, an amount of acts of greatest kindness that
will never disappear, even when Herbie has moved on. This chain of love
and acts of ultimate kindness mean so much and keep changing things... I
want the lonely and sad hearts to recover soon because what you did for
the little brave beautiful soul is just heartwarming. I love you all.
Herbie in his home with his favourite yellow duck. |
More on Herbie:
Justice for Herbie FB page
Justice for Herbie FB group
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